Equity Research
Bucking the trend of ‘research as a commodity product’, WOOD offers real insight into a dynamic but thinly-covered region. Our clients depend on us for information they can find nowhere else. The team of 22 analysts provides original, unbiased stock and industry research on Emerging and Frontier Europe.
Small caps are analysed with as much care and depth as liquid blue chips. We mine the landscape for investible, off-benchmark companies, providing ‘overlooked’ exposure to CEE.
Boasting the top-ranked CEE Analyst Team in Extel, year in, year out, WOOD tailors its services to the investment needs of each client. We embrace a ‘matrix’ approach: strong regional sector coverage for comparative analysis, underpinned by country-specific expertise.
With close to 200 companies covered in over 15 countries, we are specialists, but with an enviable breadth. We tie this all together with equity-relevant macro and strategy views.
WOOD is delighted to introduce its award winning team.
Bram Buring, CFA
Equity Analyst
Atinc Ozkan *
Equity Analyst
Can Yurtcan *
Senior Analyst
Jakub Caithaml
Equity Analyst
Miguel Dias
Equity Analyst
Peter Palovič
Equity Analyst
* in association with WOOD & Company Financial Services, a.s.